Posts Tagged ‘employment law’

Court Allows Individual Liability for Wrongful Discharge

November 14th, 2012 by JBWK

The Virginia Supreme Court last week broke some new ground in answering a question from the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals: can a manager or supervisor be personally liable for wrongful termination? Typically, wrongful termination cases are very limited in scope, only allowing a claim where the firing violated a fundamental public policy. The decision […]

Obama’s Next Four Years (In Employment Law)

November 8th, 2012 by JBWK

With the unsurprising reelection of President Obama, what major shifts in employment law will we see? Here’s one guess, from the Proactive Employer: Paycheck Fairness Act, which puts the burden on employers to explain gender-based pay gaps, will be revitalized Federal contractors’ compensation practices will be scrutinized The government will press for more contractors to […]

NLRB Okays At-Will Policies

November 6th, 2012 by JBWK

After an unsettling twist involving the National Labor Relations Board questioning standard employment-at-will provisions in employee handbooks, the NLRB’s Associate General Counsel has reined in the issue. Reviewing two at-will policies in employee handbooks–stating that employees’ employment is at will and that no express or implied contractual rights are created by the handbook–the memo says […]